Sunday, December 9, 2007

How to look young and beautiful Part 2


  • Fruit
Fruit such as orange, banana, apple, sherry, grape, lemon. There are a lot of vitamin C and vitamin B that make skin bright and young. If you eat every day, you will beautiful and look young.
  • Warm water

I usually drink warm water.I dont drink cold water because cold water make the body system work hard.

  • Avoid Ice-cream
Ice-cream has a lot of sugar that is the cause of fat, so you must eat ice-cream less.
  • Avoid Fried potato or snack

I try to avoid fried potato or any snack because it causes fat and makes skin not freshy.

  • Milk

I drink milk everyday because it makes you young and strong.
Yoga makes you young, slim, and beautiful ,so I have basic Yoga Video that you can do easily from this web.
credit:Tara's basic yoga routine


Exercise is very important for you. I do every week for 30 minutes( if you have no time). I always ride bicycle for 15 minutes, following with sit up about 50 times and warm down.

You can use theses steps after riding bicycle or jogging. It focuses on stomach and legs.

You can use ball to exercise for strong stomach hip and legs, following with theses steps.

If you have any comments, you can comment and contact me by email ( I also have many techniques that I will update later.
Thank you very much for your attention.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How to look young and beautiful Part 1

I know many techniques about beauty from magazines, books, television, and internet. Then, I test it by myself , sometimes It works and sometimes it is not. So, I have my own experience and I tell you some techniques that make you young and beautiful like me, and I will update other techniques next time. If you use my techniques, your health will be better.

1.Face Care

  • Face Cleaning

After I come back home, I clean my face immediately with cleanser, following with facial foam, and clean with warm water gently. After that I use a toner to clean my face for a balanced skin before make up

  • Baby oil lotion for eyes cleaning

I use baby oil lotion for eyes cleaning because oil is very soft for eyes, and protect eyes from wringkles.

2.Facial Mark Recipe

  • Apple and milk

For bright and young face, I use chapter apple about 2 tablespoon to mix with a table spoon of milk, and mark them on face for 15-20 minutes, then wash by water.

  • Honey and yogurt

For protect dry face, I use a tablespoon of honey to mix with a tablespoon of yogurt, and mark them on face for 15-20 minutes.

  • Honey and lemon

For bright and smooth face, I use a tablespoons of honey to mix with 1/2 tablespoon of lemon, mark on face 15 -30 minutes and clean up with warm water.

  • Tomato

For bright and freshy face, I use chapter pure tomato to mark on face for 15-20, and wash by warm water.